Monday, December 22, 2008


What a strange build up to Christmas for me. I'd been so looking forward to all the festivities and Christmas-i-ness all around - the late night shopping, mulled wine, present wrapping, kisses under the mistletoe, tree decorating, food shopping, party food, etc, etc. But instead I have spent the whole last week feeling wretched and most of it curled up on the sofa or in bed - coughing, wheezing, pill popping and general snivelliness. On a small upside it's one way of loosing 5lbs in preparation for the Christmas over indulgence! (but I wouldn't recommend it!)

Finally it's the 22nd and I am perhaps back in the land of the living be it with a giant balloon still surrounding my head so everything feels and sounds a little hazy! Ho hum! We've spent this weekend in London with family celebrating Christmas 'avec le Backhouses'. Apart from the fact I couldn't taste most of the food it was all quite delightful and thank you everyone for the first of my Christmas pressies!! Did you know you can get a whole YARD of jaffa cakes!!?! Oh Joy, I am in Christmas heaven! Also keeping me going was the amazing book 'World without End' by Ken Follett. The absolutely captivating 1200 page sequel to Pillars of the Earth which he wrote over 20 years ago. Loved every minute of it and it was one of those books that it was sad to finish.

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