Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011 Manifesto of my life

Happy New Year!

I'm not in the habit of making resolutions, nor am I into choosing 'One Little Word' but I did want to do 'something' and so I made a list. Things I want to do, learn, make and accomplish during this year. This year I will be 37 and so I have got my list of 37 things to do in my 37th year. And so, here it is. Public. Just so you all can hold me to it!
  1. Make chocolate chip cookies from scratch
  2. Log 600 miles running
  3. Paint a wall
  4. Visit a new country
  5. Blog at least once a month
  6. Take a ski lesson
  7. Make wall art (and actually display it!)
  8. Go on a picnic
  9. Learn something new
  10. Grow vegetables
  11. Play mini golf
  12. Go for a bike ride (the type with pedals and hard graft!)
  13. Rent a boat
  14. Bake a loaf of bread
  15. Relax in a candlelit bubble-bath
  16. Go to a hockey game
  17. Take a yoga class
  18. Make business cards
  19. Visit a national park
  20. Go camping
  21. Ice-skate outside
  22. Give 3 handmade gifts
  23. Sew something
  24. Stay in Harvey
  25. Make gazpacho
  26. Try a new restaurant
  27. Go to a live comedy show
  28. Run a sub 56' 10km
  29. Read 2 non-fiction books
  30. Spray paint something
  31. Feed the ducks
  32. Do a scrapbook page every month (month-in-review)
  33. Make money from my new business venture
  34. Give to charity
  35. Listen to live music
  36. Cook and master 12 new recipes
  37. Complete a Gratitude journal

And there it is. And as far as #5 goes - I guess I'll see you back here next month for a progress report!


  1. Impressive list! wish I could come up with a list that long, lol!
    Hope you get to do all of them.
    So what is your new business venture?

  2. You realize as you get older the list gets longer!;-)

  3. Are there countries out there you haven't been to Helen? As for number 32, I even bought all the KI Memories calendar papers to do my month in review pages and it's March, I've done nothing. In fact in February, I didn't even take any photos! I'm useless I am *hangs head in shame*


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