Of course February we got the new country item (#4) ticked off straight off with our vacation to Jamaica! We also rented a boat (#13) – well, sea kayaks actually. We both took a classic x-country ski lesson too (#6) Don't think I've spent so long on my backside! Seriously. I do not pretend to be anything of a skier really but I can get by OK on a downhill blue run but this was a whole new ball game. I didn't realise it was going to be so tricky to balance on little 2 inch wide sticks - silly me! We spent most of the lesson doing drills which was the difficult stuff but the last 15 mins we scooted round one of trails and once we got into a rythem it was OK. Realistically I don't suppose we'll get another chance to get out this season but I would like to spend some more time doing this - and such a bargain for our lesson - $40 for a 1 hour lesson including trail passes and rentals - an awesome deal for people 'first time out' up at a nearby x-country club. Bagged another restaurant first this weekend In Seattle when Chris and I checked out a Rainforest CafĂ© for the first time. I’d seen these places before but we’d never eaten there – what fun?! We sat by the gorilla family who kept us entertained during our meal but mostly I loved the funky animal legs bar stools! (and the 21oz margaritas!)
I am currently failing in the scrapbook-a-page-a-month goal, although I think my point was to have a layout a month to look back on even if I didn’t actually make it each month – and I have prepped the photos and journaling for January so it’s not all bad! I also want to put together a little mini album documenting my progress on the manifesto and also a vacation mini album for Jamaica (though we don't have too many photos so it might be a mini mini!) Nothing like adding to the 'to do' list rather than crossing things off eh?!
My running is also not going well. I've probably logged about 20 miles so far this year. I took a break over the winter. I felt the dark nights, icy sidewalks and cold were not conducive to me getting out there, and back in December after feeling guilty about not going all the time I finally gave myself a break and 'retired' for the winter without that guilt. I had intended to cross train instead but that didn't happen. I'm OK with all that. But now the sidewalks are clear again so I'm feeling the urge again, just lacking the motivation! I have signed both Chris and I up for the Vancouver Sun Run 10km in mid April so we do have something to work towards. I really need to listen to my own running mantra....if you went when you first thought about it, you'd be back by now!' It's so true and I'd probably have logged half the miles by now! ;-)
Its so good to see an update! Love the photos too!