Sunday, July 7, 2013

Back on track with Menu Planning

Wow! What a crazy few weeks! We were away more weekends than we were home, with visits to Abbotsford, 2 long weekends in Whistler and finally 6 days in Portland this weekend just gone. I think I can finally breathe a bit - we've got 2 weekends in a row at home - yay!

Of course that traveling played havoc with any attempts to meal plan - I was just shopping a a day or two at a time and again I'm reminded at how unsatisfied and disorganized I feel when I shop like this, how much more it costs, how easy it is to just reach for a crummy unhealthy option and how much time is taken mithering about what we'll eat!

This week after lots of excesses I'm taking another week to detox after the success of my last one - I want to feel better from the inside out! So it's back to LOTS of fruits and veggies (and not a lot else!!) I enjoyed shopping at the Farmers Market this week - here's my haul of new season baby carrots, beets, garlic, cauliflower, garlic scapes, raspberries and baby spinach plus some creamed honey! I'm excited to try out a couple of new recipes aswell - and I've got to figure out what to do with those garlic scapes - I'm thinking pesto and maybe a potato salad - but I'll let you know how that goes!

Salads and greens from the garden are highly featured - we're in danger of our garden going to seed after a little neglect from our time away! So we're eating it as fast as we can, and juicing and smoothie making on overtime!!

Here's how our menu this week is looking;
Here's my recipe for our Lettuce Wraps and my favourite Gazpacho is based on the fabulous recipe from Pioneer Woman - normally I always end up adjusting it depending on what we have in the fridge!

I'm linking up to Jill and Laura's Meal Planning Challenge.


  1. Always glad to see you link up! We used to get garlic scapes in our CSA and they were really good in pesto, have fun experimenting!

    1. So I made Garlic scape & swiss chard pesto last night - delicious! Though a good job my hubby and I both had some! Still plan to experiment some more though. Good luck with your move this week!

  2. Good luck with your neglected garden! I have a single tomato plant that is doing so well (very proud of this!) and I'm trying to find someone to water it while we're on vacation. Worries of a non-green thumb deck gardner LOL

    A few days detox always makes me feel refreshed.

    1. I have tomatoes too - they are thriving more than the lettuce and greens. Mostly we have stuff planted in beds but I've always had some pots on the deck and this year the potted stuff is really unhappy. Watering when away is always tricky - we struggled often this last month - but I think I'e just built up the endurance of the plants!! Thankfully most recovered!


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